Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial Intelligence


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Artificial intelligence is a broad term used to describe an engineered system where machines learn from experience, adjusting to new inputs, and potentially performing tasks previously done by humans. More specifically, it is a field of computer science dedicated to simulating intelligent behavior in computers. The field of artificial intelligence is rapidly evolving across different sectors and disparate industries.

This topic page regularly updates with the IAPP’s latest resources on AI and privacy. The IAPP additionally hosts a topic page for the EU AI Act.

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IAPP GPS 2024: The building blocks for ethical AI programs

OECD publishes report on data scraping ethics

Responsible AI: Putting data ethics into action

Training AI on personal data scraped from the web

AI & ethics – New developments, regulatory considerations and ethical obligations

Companies using AI tools for workplace monitoring, prompting privacy concerns

Generative AI: Privacy and Ethical Considerations for Your Business

A view from DC: Should ChatGPT slow down?

Chinese company develops AI program that predicts when employees will leave job

Ethical guidelines on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and data in teaching and learning for educators

Humans in the Loop: Building a Culture of Responsible AI

Study looks at advances, long-term impact of AI

Diversity and Inclusion: An AI Formula for HR Success

Ethical-AI-by-Design: How Responsible AI Yields a Brighter Tomorrow

Ensuring that responsible humans make good AI

Podcast: Carissa Véliz on privacy, AI ethics and democracy

Face Off: Law Enforcement Use of Face Recognition Technology

The Ethical Use of Personal Data to Build AI Technologies

Artificial Intelligence and Data Protection: Delivering Sustainable AI Accountability in Practice

AI Forum issues guidelines for ‘trustworthy’ use

CNIL – Facial Recognition: For a debate living up to the challenges

London police launch facial-recognition program

Police use of automated license plate readers under fire

Facial-recognition technology: fundamental rights considerations in the context of law enforcement

European Commission considering 3- to 5-year ban of facial-recognition tech

EU aims to regulate AI ethics

EU stresses lawfulness in new ethical AI guidelines

Lawmakers introduce House resolution on ethical AI

AI ethics and moving beyond compliance

Building Ethics into Privacy Frameworks for Big Data and AI

CNIL Report – The ethical matters raised by algorithms and artificial intelligence

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Legislation, Regulation and Enforcement

Global AI Law and Policy Tracker

Global AI Governance Law and Policy: Jurisdiction Overviews

EU AI Act: 101

EU AI Act: Next Steps for Implementation

EU AI Act: The web of regulatory intersections

EU AI Act Compliance Matrix

AIGG 2024: Cooperation required for AI regulations to succeed

AIGG 2024: Some closing thoughts on AI regulation

Emerging trends in regulating generative AI: How red teaming is shaping the landscape

How privacy and data protection laws apply to AI: Guidance from global DPAs

Get ready for the EU AI Act: Priorities for compliance

Navigating AI’s uncharted waters: Insights from China’s Model AI Law, EU AI Act

Inside the EU AI Act negotiations: A conversation with Laura Caroli

How the proposed APRA could impact AI

A regulatory roadmap to AI and privacy

Will the EU AI Act work? Lessons learned from past legislative initiatives, future challenges

IAPP GPS 2024: European regulators discuss AI Act enforcement, fines

IAPP GPS 2024: Looking toward AI enforcement future

Preparing for AI regulations: A quick look at available frameworks

Regulating AI in the UK: A conversation with Lord Holmes

The EU AI Act: A view from the lawmaker on next steps

The EU AI Act: A major moment in the digital world

A look at proposed US state private sector AI legislation

Breaking down the EU AI Act

Proactive caution: Israel’s approach to AI regulation

The EU AI Act: ‘We have a deal!’ Now what?

Luca Bertuzzi on the EU AI Act’s political deal and what’s next

EU reaches deal on world’s first comprehensive AI regulation

Voice actors and generative AI: Legal challenges and emerging protections

UK First-tier Tribunal overturns ICO enforcement action against Clearview AI

Regulating AI (AI Governance Global, an IAPP event 2023)

What’s next for US state-level AI legislation

US policymakers, regulators discuss future of AI regulation at AIGG

US Senate subcommittee focuses on AI in the workplace

UK digital regulators discuss interagency enforcement, AI governance coordination

London calling: Digital regulation and AI governance

Poll: Americans want federal regulation of AI

Beyond GDPR: Unauthorized reidentification and the Mosaic Effect in the EU AI Act

Regulators’ rulebook for AI: Bit by bit

Catching up with the co-author of the White House Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights

Why AI may hit a roadblock under India’s proposed Digital Data Protection Bill

Schumer outlines comprehensive US blueprint for AI regulation

The EU Artificial Intelligence Act: A look into the EU negotiations

AI: The transatlantic race to regulate

How existing data privacy laws may already regulate data-related aspects of AI

AI governance, regulation top of mind at IAPP CPS 2023

Khan: FTC stands ready to ‘vigorously enforce’ AI

As generative AI grows in popularity, privacy regulators chime in

UK releases white paper on AI regulatory framework

Europol report warns against criminal uses of generative AI

A look at European Parliament’s AI Act negotiations

The future of AI regulations and how companies can prepare

White House OSTP releases ‘Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights’

CEPS publishes EU AI Act report

Sweden’s DPA creates pilot program for decentralized AI

Inside the EU’s rocky path to regulate artificial intelligence

FTC takes steps toward privacy, AI rulemaking

The EU AI Regulation — What’s New and What’s Not?

EU regulators ponder potential avenues to address AI

Council for Transparency calls for regulations, transparency in AI

Privacy and racial justice: Regulating facial recognition technology

What Facebook’s $550 million settlement teaches us about the future of facial recognition

Lawmakers (continue to) grapple with how to regulate facial recognition

US advises EU to avoid heavy regulation of AI

White House releases guidance on AI and report on automated vehicles

US Senate grapples with how to regulate AI

Want Europe to have the best AI? Reform the GDPR

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Machine Learning and Facial Recognition

Machine Learning

Performant risk mitigation for AI and LLMs

How facial age-estimation tech can help protect children’s privacy for COPPA and beyond

How machine learning can help small businesses deal with data privacy compliance

Clearview AI extends database access to US public defenders

Facial recognition: A trend in state regulation

Warning Signs: Identifying Privacy and Security Risks to Machine Learning Systems

Report: Ukraine’s use of facial recognition to identify dead Russian soldiers could backfire

Report: One in two US adults in a law enforcement facial recognition database

Facebook to close its facial recognition system, but will it start a paradigm shift?

Will AI and algorithms truly dictate the future of content?

How to Deal with Facial Recognition and Make it Compliant?

More than Face Value: Facial Recognition Technology & Privacy

Assessing proper regulatory models for facial recognition

Facial Recognition Tech and Privacy: Who Are You? Everyone Wants to Know’

Chatbots and privacy rights after death: Once again, life imitates art

Banks begin trialing tech to monitor employees

Facial recognition on rise to authorize mobile payments

The Privacy Expert’s Guide to AI and Machine Learning

Understanding Facial Detection, Characterization and Recognition Technologies

Subway facial recognition system raises data security, privacy concerns

ACLU files class-action vs. Clearview AI under biometric privacy law

NZ police test Clearview AI tech without consultation

Facial recognition to monitor pedestrians at Texas border crossing

Facial-recognition cameras installed at Irish pitch in 2018

Breaches at our front door: What we can learn from Clearview AI

Report: Investors, clients used Clearview AI’s facial-recognition tech

NYT podcast: Kashmir Hill discusses Clearview AI reporting

FPF: How to Operationalize Data Protection by Design for Machine Learning

Facial-recognition technology: fundamental rights considerations in the context of law enforcement

China uses DNA to create human facial images

Platform uses AI, bots to automate compliance practices

Encryption isn’t enough: Why conversational AI requires more

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Additional News and Resources

EU AI Act: 101

At-a-Glance: AI Governance in Practice Report 2024

Top 10 operational impacts of the EU AI Act – AI Assurance across the risk categories

Top 10 operational impacts of the EU AI Act – Governance: EU and national stakeholders

Top 10 operational impacts of the EU AI Act – Obligations for general-purpose AI models

Top 10 operational impacts of the EU AI Act – Obligations on nonproviders of high-risk AI systems

Top 10 operational impacts of the EU AI Act – Obligations on providers of high-risk AI systems

Top 10 operational impacts of the EU AI Act – Understanding and assessing risk

Top 10 operational impacts of the EU AI Act – Subject matter, definitions, key actors and scope

Emerging trends in regulating generative AI: How red teaming is shaping the landscape

Automated decision-making or automated decision-execution?

Human in the loop in AI risk management — not a cure-all approach

AI assessments: How and when to conduct them

Relyance AI’s new data visibility, security management tool offers clearer look into digital assets

Privacy and AI: Bridging the divide

The crucial role of obtaining valid consent in the era of AI model development

AI development raises question of legal basis

Financial, housing sectors urge caution on AI rules

AI and digital governance: Exploring platform liability

Balancing AI innovation, privacy principles

Can processors use data to train AI, improve products while remaining a processor?

So you want to adopt AI …

Responsible AI Management: Evolving Practice, Growing Value

IAPP-EY Professionalizing Organizational AI Governance Report

Global AI Governance Law and Policy: Canada

EU AI Act Compliance Matrix

EU AI Act Stakeholder Map

Consumer Perspectives of Privacy and Artificial Intelligence

Key Terms for AI Governance

Privacy and AI Governance Report

International Definitions of Artificial Intelligence

Global AI Governance Law and Policy: US

ISO standard offers AI Management System template

The ‘paradox’ of publicly available data

Have your cake and eat it, too: Federated learning and edge computing for safe AI innovation

AIGG 2024: Use the technology of the past to understand AI’s future

What does the Colorado AI Act mean for AI governance and policymaking?

US state AI governance bills: Reflecting on the 2024 cycle with a new resource

Get ready for the EU AI Act: Priorities for compliance

The Colorado AI Act: What you need to know

US Senate AI working group releases roadmap

Building an AI governance and compliance program

Contracting for AI: Finding balance

AI and data privacy: Minimizing risk and maximizing opportunity

Bringing your AI policy to life: Operationalizing key strategies for governance

The EU AI Act: A view from the lawmaker on next steps

The EU AI Act: A major moment in the digital world

Global AI Governance Law and Policy: UK

Global AI Governance Law and Policy: Singapore

The genesis and evolution of the AI governance profession

US federal AI governance: Laws, policies and strategies

Implications of the AI executive order for business

IAPP GPS 2024: European regulators discuss AI Act enforcement, fines

IAPP GPS 2024: The building blocks for ethical AI programs

IAPP GPS 2024: Looking toward AI enforcement future

Preparing for AI regulations: A quick look at available frameworks

The new AI paradigm: Rethinking public engagement for US policymaking

Building a privacy layer for AI

AI beyond the hype: Focus on the data

OECD privacy, AI leaders come together to bridge gaps

Preparing to implement the EU AI Act

The EU AI Act: A view from the lawmaker on next steps

How stakeholders are welcoming EU AI Act

OECD publishes report on data scraping ethics

A look at proposed US state private sector AI legislation

UK DSIT lays out innovation-focused AI strategy

White paper offers suggestions for ensuring data privacy amid rise of AI tech

EU countries vote unanimously to approve AI Act

Mastering the art of AI governance to unlock generative AI innovation

With AI, FTC vows not to repeat privacy mistakes

Ensuring AI governance: The time to act is now!

At-a-Glance: IAPP-EY Professionalizing Organizational AI Governance Report

Proposed data provenance standards aim to enhance trustworthiness of AI training data

Shaping the future: A dynamic taxonomy for AI privacy risks

Proactive caution: Israel’s approach to AI regulation

A proactive drive toward secure AI

Well-intentioned debiasing methods that hamper AI governance tools

AI lang syne: A look back on 2023 and considerations for 2024

New association wants to professionalize the AI auditing industry

The EU AI Act: ‘We have a deal!’ Now what?

Luca Bertuzzi on the EU AI Act’s political deal and what’s next

EU reaches deal on world’s first comprehensive AI regulation

Foundations for an effective AI governance program

Responsible AI: Putting data ethics into action

Urgency to deploy AI cannot be at the expense of effective governance

Voice actors and generative AI: Legal challenges and emerging protections

In an AI-powered world, marketers need a new data strategy

AI governance as an enterprise business initiative

Five compliance best practices for a successful AI governance program

Training AI on personal data scraped from the web

Establishing governance for AI systems

The Alignment Problem in AI (AI Governance Global, an IAPP event 2023)

Responsible AI (AI Governance Global, an IAPP event 2023)

No AI without IP (AI Governance Global, an IAPP event 2023)

AI Leadership in Action (AI Governance Global, an IAPP event 2023)

Keynote Panel: Moderator Jennifer Strong, Julie Brill, Keith Enright, Christina Montgomery, Rob Sherman (AI Governance Global, an IAPP event 2023)

What’s next for US state-level AI legislation

US policymakers, regulators discuss future of AI regulation at AIGG

US Senate subcommittee focuses on AI in the workplace

Leaders of CDT’s new AI Governance Lab want to shape policy dialogue

UN establishes global AI advisory board

White House rolls out comprehensive executive order on AI

Data bias: AI fairness and the need for diversity in privacy/data/AI governance

What AI Governance Leaders are Thinking About

Data quality, privacy joined at the hip

Examining India’s efforts to balance AI, data privacy

AI’s emergent abilities a ‘double-edged sword’

Performant risk mitigation for AI and LLMs

Keynote: Jennifer King, Privacy and Data Policy Fellow, Stanford University Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (IAPP Privacy. Security. Risk. 2023)

Evaluating the use of AI in privacy program operations

Building effective AI through collaboration

AI incident response plans: Not just for security anymore

Argentina’s AAIP creates AI transparency and protection of personal data program

Facebook, Google may have unreleased biometrics capabilities

UK digital regulators discuss interagency enforcement, AI governance coordination

London calling: Digital regulation and AI governance

Mila’s Gauthier: AI is ‘happening now,’ moving ‘fast’

Contentious areas in the EU AI Act trilogues

OpenAI launches ChatGPT Enterprise

Poll: Americans want federal regulation of AI

5 things to know about AI model cards

Managing privacy in the era of generative AI

AI vs. privacy: How to reconcile the need for sensitive data with the principle of minimization

AI & ethics – New developments, regulatory considerations and ethical obligations

Beyond GDPR: Unauthorized reidentification and the Mosaic Effect in the EU AI Act

Data protection issues for employers to consider when using generative AI

AI regulatory enforcement around the world

Regulators’ rulebook for AI: Bit by bit

Spilling the tea on AI accountability: An analysis of NTIA stakeholder comments

Canada rolls out generative AI code of practice

Catching up with the co-author of the White House Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights

Third-party liability and product liability for AI systems

What does AI need? A comprehensive federal data privacy and security law

Can AI regulators keep us safe without stifling innovation?

Argentina issues recommendations for reliable AI

Connecticut takes a first stab at regulating government use of AI

AI: The transatlantic race to regulate

Why AI may hit a roadblock under India’s proposed Digital Data Protection Bill

The latest dimension of the global race for an AI governance framework

The Atlantic Declaration: Data bridges, privacy and AI

The case for appointing an ‘AI custodian’ for AI governance

Schumer outlines comprehensive US blueprint for AI regulation

In scope or not? An EU AI Act decision tree and obligations

Launching an AI governance program? Start with your ‘why’

The EU Artificial Intelligence Act: A look into the EU negotiations

Generative AI: Privacy and Ethical Considerations for Your Business

Why we do not need to reinvent the wheel for an ethical approach to AI

Europe’s rulebook for artificial intelligence takes shape

AI governance, regulation top of mind at IAPP CPS 2023

OPC announces investigation of OpenAI at IAPP CPS 2023

BigID’s LLM-based BigAI seeks to automate data security, risk management

US Senate hearing showcases consensus for AI guardrails

The IAPP AI Governance Center: A call to action for privacy pros

Khan: FTC stands ready to ‘vigorously enforce’ AI

Report on responsible AI and privacy governance – discussion of findings

GPS 2023: AI opportunities for privacy professionals

What’s next for potential global AI regulation, best practices

Regulating for AI success

As generative AI grows in popularity, privacy regulators chime in

Keynote: Nina Schick (IAPP Global Privacy Summit 2023)

Chatbots, AI and the future of privacy

Generative AI: Privacy and tech perspectives

A view from DC: Should ChatGPT slow down?

Me, myself and generative AI

IAPP Summit Keynote Nina Schick on the latest AI developments

UK releases white paper on AI regulatory framework

Europol report warns against criminal uses of generative AI

Gates calls AI advancements revolutionary

The case of the EU AI Act: Why we need to return to a risk-based approach

ENISA creates guide for AI cybersecurity standardization

Federated learning: Supporting data minimization in AI

Generative AI: A ‘new frontier’

NIST’s Reva Schwartz on the new AI Risk Management Framework

Leveraging privacy governance for the responsible use of AI

Microsoft adds AI to search engine, web browser

Using sensitive data to prevent AI discrimination: Does the EU GDPR need a new exception?

Cheering emerging PETs: Global privacy tech support on the rise

Are EU AI Act sandboxes viable without GDPR waivers for experimentation?

Artificial intelligence: How to play in the sandbox

A look at European Parliament’s AI Act negotiations

How machine learning can help small businesses deal with data privacy compliance

Ethical guidelines on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and data in teaching and learning for educators

The future of AI regulations and how companies can prepare

Keynote: Mo Gawdat, former Google [X] chief business officer, author of ‘Scary Smart’ and ‘Solve for Happy’ (IAPP Privacy. Security. Risk. 2022)

Greek DPA imposes 20M euro fine on Clearview AI for unlawful processing of personal data

CNIL fines Clearview AI 20M euros

AI text-to-image generator tech outpacing ability to shape ‘norms’ for its use

CIPL – ​Delivering Sustainable AI Accountability in Practice

CEPS publishes EU AI Act report

European Commission on Artificial Intelligence: A European approach to excellence and trust

Metaverse and privacy

Leveraging Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in Telecommunication Sector

How advanced deep fakes could threaten democracy

Proposed EU AI Act blurs lines between AI developers and data processors under GDPR

UK unveils data reform bill, proposes AI regulation

EU Artificial Intelligence Act Proposal: What could it change?

AI and Biometrics Privacy: Trends and Developments

Microsoft unveils framework for responsible AI

ICO – AI and Data Protection Risk Toolkit

Singapore launches first of its kind AI governance testing framework, toolkit

Report: Ransomware gangs may have resources to hire AI experts

CNIL Guidance – Artificial Intelligence

Clearview AI plans to offer tech to banks, private businesses

Stanford’s 2022 AI Index Report

Clearview AI now features 20 billion facial images

Inside the EU’s rocky path to regulate artificial intelligence

Chinese company develops AI program that predicts when employees will leave job

UK supermarkets rolling out AI-based age verification

UK government rolls out global AI standards initiative

Privacy and responsible AI

FBI agrees to licensing contract with Clearview AI

NIST releases report on AI risk management framework

FTC takes steps toward privacy, AI rulemaking

Algorithmic Awareness: Conversations with young Canadians about Artificial Intelligence and Privacy

US Department of Defense – Responsible AI Guidelines

Facebook to close its facial recognition system, but will it start a paradigm shift?

NASCIO — AI Meets the Moment: How a Pandemic Shaped AI Adoption in State Government

Survey: 36% in government sector plan to increase AI investments

Five Things Lawyers Need to Know About AI

UK details plans for national AI strategy

From Data Compliance to Data Intelligence

Will AI and algorithms truly dictate the future of content?

Gathering Strength, Gathering Storms: The One Hundred Year Study on Artificial Intelligence

Hong Kong privacy commissioner publishes AI guidance

DOJ to study use of AI in analyzing prison phone calls

Local facial recognition bans begin to take hold

How to manage privacy and AI risks within the same project

Handbook on Data Protection and Privacy for Developers of Artificial Intelligence in India

Report: A rise in AI-based toys threatens children’s privacy

Law enforcement using AI software to patrol social media

How to Deal with Facial Recognition and Make it Compliant?

Understanding Machine Learning Technology and Developing A Risk-Based Approach

Humans in the Loop: Building a Culture of Responsible AI

The EU AI Regulation — What’s New and What’s Not?

Wash. county bans facial recognition use by Sheriff’s Office, government agencies

Global Legal Insights: AI, Machine Learning & Big Data 2021

How privacy professionals can assess risks in AI, algorithms and automated decision making systems

Machine learning compliance considerations

Diversity and Inclusion: An AI Formula for HR Success

ICO: Guidance on AI and data protection

Why the EU’s AI regulation is a groundbreaking proposal

A look at what’s in the EU’s newly proposed regulation on AI

FTC publishes recommendations on AI

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality: Privacy and Autonomy Considerations

Documents highlight relationship between NYPD, Clearview AI

Clearview story highlights potential AI collaboration issues between EU, US

Army plans facial recognition at automated checkpoints

The Privacy Expert’s Guide to AI and Machine Learning

AI tech on the rise, getting more personalized

Researchers’ browser extension uses AI to unearth opt-out links

Global AI projects, local privacy laws embracing privacy by design

United States Government Accountability Office — Artificial Intelligence in Health Care

Ensuring that responsible humans make good AI

Podcast: Carissa Véliz on privacy, AI ethics and democracy

AI, A Privacy Odyssey: Conducting Privacy Assessments on AI Projects

What privacy frameworks can teach us for implementing AI

When is AI PI? How current and future privacy laws implicate AI and machine learning

ICO: Explaining decisions made with AI

AI camera detects COVID-19 fever

Spanish DPA issues guide on AI-based data processing

Takeaways from new White House annual report on AI

Europe aims to take global lead with strategies on AI, data

The Privacy Advisor Podcast: How should we interpret the European Commission’s new AI strategy?

Accelerating AI with synthetic data receives $50M in funding for AI-focused privacy platform

AI a new obstacle for college students in job searches

Are organizations safeguarding against the risks posed by AI?

Frontline Film: In the Age of AI

Building Ethics into Privacy Frameworks for Big Data and AI