Be the future - Join an IAPP board

Help lead the IAPP by serving as an advisory board member. Share your expertise and shape the future of our profession with fellow thought leaders from around the world.

The application period for leadership positions, including Advisory Board members, KnowledgeNet Chapter Chairs, and Young Privacy Professionals, opens every September through our annual Call for Volunteers.

Leadership positions are for members only. Cannot wait until the fall?

Learn about all volunteer opportunities now.


AI Governance Center Advisory Board

The AI Governance Center Advisory Board is comprised of AI Governance experts from industry, government and academia. This esteemed group provides insight, advice, and brings important sectoral and regional perspectives to the work of the AI Governance Center. As the AI governance workforce starts to take shape, the advisory board will help to inform the emerging role of an AI governance professional. See more about the roles and expectations.

AI Governance Center board members


ANZ Advisory Board

The IAPP ANZ Advisory Board is made up of active privacy and data protection professionals from Australia and New Zealand. This strategically chosen group advises the IAPP on strategic initiatives such as the development of Knowledge Net chapters regionally, rollout of education resources and key relationships in the region. The ANZ board helps to identify and advise on the specific needs of ANZ-based privacy professionals. A two-year commitment is required. See more about the roles and expectations.

ANZ Advisory Board members


Asia Advisory Board

The Asia Advisory Board is comprised of a group of privacy and data protection professionals actively contributing to the rapid development of the privacy profession in Asia. The board’s responsibilities include, but are not limited to, programming for IAPP Asia conferences and virtual programming events, contributing to the Asia Pacific Dashboard Digest for our Publications department and further development of a training module for use in Asia. The board collaborates via email and occasional conference calls and by networking with peers to promote, support and field inquires about IAPP Asia programs. See more about the roles and expectations.

Asia Advisory Board members


Canadian Advisory Board 

The IAPP Canadian Advisory Board is made up of a minimum of 12 privacy professionals who actively participate in developing programming and content for IAPP Canada. You will provide guidance and strategic input, and serve as a leader in the promotion of IAPP Canada and all of its programs and activities. A two-year commitment is required. See more about the roles and expectations.

Canadian Advisory Board members


Certification Advisory Boards

If you are a privacy professional with demonstrated subject matter expertise in the areas covered under IAPP privacy credentialing programs, we encourage you to serve on these boards. See more about the roles and expectations for each board in the links below.

The IAPP Certification Advisory Board (CAB) meets regularly via teleconference to provide overall governance for the programs, including making policy decisions.

Certification Advisory Board members

The IAPP Exam Development Boards (EDB) meet regularly via teleconference to develop and review exam content as well as oversee guiding documents such as bodies of knowledge and exam blueprints.

Exam Development Board members:

The IAPP’s CDPO (Certified Data Protection Officer) Programs are supported by CDPO Advisory Boards. These boards have similar responsibilities to the EDBs, but also assume responsibilities similar to the CAB and the Appeals Advisory Board specifically for these regional certifications.

CDPO/Brazil Advisory Board members (by invitation only)

CDPO/France Advisory Board members (by invitation only)

The IAPP Appeals Advisory Board meets as needed to review and resolve any submitted certification appeals.

Appeals Advisory Board members


Diversity in Privacy Section Advisory Board

The IAPP Diversity in Privacy Advisory Board is comprised of privacy and data protection professionals who will actively participate in developing programming and content for the Diversity in Privacy Section. The Diversity in Privacy Section helps to enhance inclusion across age, gender, race, ethnicity and geographical dimensions in the field of privacy through education and networking. Advisory board members will provide guidance and strategic input, plus serve as a leader in the promotion of the Diversity in Privacy Section and all of its programs and activities. A two-year commitment is required. See more about the roles and expectations.

Diversity in Privacy Section Advisory Board members


Education Advisory Board

The IAPP Education Advisory Board supports the creation of compelling and timely programming for IAPP conferences and virtual programs. The board convenes for periodic conference calls, during which you will offer guidance on emerging privacy trends and issues, plus recommend programming on privacy and data protection issues that privacy and data protection professionals need to know. You will also contribute by networking with peers to promote, support and field inquires about IAPP event programming. See more about the roles and expectations.

Education Advisory Board members


European Advisory Board 

The IAPP European Advisory Board is made up of a group of privacy and data protection professionals who actively participate in developing programming and content for IAPP Europe. You will provide guidance and strategic input, plus serve as a leader in the promotion of IAPP Europe and all of its programs and activities. A two-year commitment is required. See more about the roles and expectations.

European Advisory Board members


Privacy Bar Section Advisory Board

The IAPP Privacy Bar Section Advisory Board is comprised of legal-focused privacy professionals who will actively participate in developing programming and content for the Privacy Bar Section. Members will provide guidance and strategic input, plus serve as a leader in the promotion of the Privacy Bar Section and all of its programs and activities. A two-year commitment is required. See more about the roles and expectations.

Privacy Bar Section Advisory Board members


Privacy Engineering Section Advisory Board

The IAPP Privacy Engineering Section Advisory Board is comprised of leading academics, government and industry experts in privacy engineering and technologies. Board members will actively participate in developing programming and content for the Privacy Engineering Section, provide guidance and strategic input, plus serve as leaders in the promotion of Privacy Engineering Section programs and activities. A two-year commitment is required. See more about the roles and expectations.

Privacy Engineering Section Advisory Board members


Privacy Law Specialist Advisory Board

The Privacy Law Specialist Advisory Board is comprised of privacy attorneys who review the submitted Privacy Law Specialist (PLS) applications and advise the IAPP on the overall PLS program. A two-year commitment is required. See more about the roles and expectations.

Privacy Law Specialist Advisory Board members


Publications Advisory Board

The Publications Advisory Board helps guide the IAPP’s coverage of privacy and security issues. As a member, you will play a critical role by ensuring content is useful and fresh. This advisory board convenes every other month by teleconference, where members suggest timely, relevant content based on their work in the field of privacy. Besides meaningful participation in the monthly conference call, you will be expected to provide articles for publication and may also be asked to help recruit potential authors. See more about the roles and expectations.

Publications Advisory Board members


Research Advisory Board 

The IAPP Research Advisory Board is a full partner in the development of the IAPP's research agenda and leadership of the IAPP Westin Research Center; the establishment of ties to academia, industry and policymakers; and the identification of research funding opportunities. The board, which is made up of leading academics, policymakers and professionals, meets several times per year in person and via teleconference. See more about the roles and expectations.

Research Advisory Board members


Training Advisory Board Privacy and Data Protection

The IAPP Training Advisory Board Privacy and Data Protection helps guide the development and maintenance of IAPP privacy training programs ensuring our content is accurate, relevant and timely. A two-year commitment is required. See more about the roles and expectations.

Training Advisory Board Privacy and Data Protection members


Training Advisory Board AI Governance

The IAPP Training Advisory Board AI Governance, helps guide the development and maintenance of the IAPP’s AI Governance Professional training to keep our content accurate, relevant and timely. A two-year commitment is required. See more about the roles and expectations.

Training Advisory Board AI Governance members


Women Leading Privacy Advisory Board

The IAPP Women Leading Privacy Advisory Board informs strategy and shapes goals of the Women Leading Privacy community. This board will provide guidance and strategic input, and actively support the development of networking, professional development and leadership opportunities to help advance and support women in the privacy field. A two-year commitment is required. See more about the roles and expectations.

Women Leading Privacy Advisory Board members


 For more information, visit our Volunteers FAQ, or contact The Call for Volunteers opens every September.


IAPP Board of Directors

The IAPP Board of Directors is responsible for governance and strategic oversight of the IAPP. As a member of the board of directors, you will work to help the IAPP achieve its mission. A five-year commitment is required. Nominations may be submitted at any time during the year. If you would like to submit your name, or nominate another candidate, you will need to include a brief bio and an objective for serving on the board of directors with the submission. The Nominating Committee considers candidates late in the year and forwards its recommendations to the full board of directors for consideration and election.

IAPP Board of Directors


IAPP Board of Directors Selection Criteria

The Nominating Committee will assess nominees based on their qualifications, including, but not limited to:

  • Participation in IAPP conferences
  • IAPP certification status
  • Submission of articles to IAPP publications
  • Existing leadership roles within the IAPP
  • Industry diversity, geographic diversity and gender/race/ethnic diversity