

Resource Center / Topic Pages / Asia




On this topic page, you can find the IAPP’s collection of coverage, analysis and resources related to privacy in Asia. The IAPP Resource Center includes separate topic pages for Australia-New Zealand, China, India and the Middle East.

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Additional News and Resources

The Developer’s Playbook for Responsible AI in India

PCPD – Annual Reports

South Korea’s AI Basic Act puts another AI governance regulation on the map

Thailand’s PDPC clarifies data breach notification requirements

First fine imposed under Thailand’s Personal Data Protection Act

Malaysia’s PDPA amendments: Delivering enhanced data governance and transparency

Taiwan’s AI governance framework unveiled

PCPD publishes 2023 report, shares privacy concerns about food delivery apps

Taiwan’s AI governance framework unveiled

Harmonizing research and privacy in Thailand: Unpacking PDPA notification on personal data collection for research, statistics

Japan’s DPA publishes interim summary of amendments to data protection regulations

South Korea’s PIPC releases guide for new PIPA amendment

South Korea approves PIPA enforcement amendments

Sri Lanka’s DPA comes online

What does Japan’s External Data Transmission Rule mean?

Chinese SCCs are here: Are you ready?

A look at what’s in China’s new SCCs

Japan, UK reach digital partnership

Japan’s PIPC introduces data mapping toolkit

Singapore PDPC issues reminder of new ‘voluntary undertakings,’ increased fines

Indonesian lawmakers pass data protection bill

Residual issues in Indonesia’s forthcoming Personal Data Protection Law

Philippines’ NPC issues Circular of Administrative Fines guidance

Hogan Lovells – Asia Pacific Data Protection and Cyber Security Guide

South Korea court overturns law allowing police to access users’ data without notice

PDPC: Data Protection Practices for ICT Systems

South Korea, UK reach adequacy agreement ‘in principle’

Tax worker loses personal data on entire Japanese city

Enforcement of Thailand’s PDPA begins

Singapore’s PDPC creates data anonymization tool

Singapore launches first of its kind AI governance testing framework, toolkit

Singapore – Personal Data Protection Starter Kit For Organizations

Keynote: Zahra Mosawi, Ex-Commissioner, Access to Information Commission of Afghanistan (IAPP Global Privacy Summit 2022)

Global Legislative Predictions 2022: Indonesia’s Personal Data Protection Bill

Areas in Japan turn to electronic surveillance to monitor those with dementia

Japan publishes AI governance guidelines

Practical notes for Japan’s important updates of the APPI guidelines and Q&As

Practical notes for Japan’s amended APPI: How to amend privacy notices

PCPD Commissioner publishes details to better understand PIPL

PCPD details Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance amendment

China’s PIPL takes effect, compliance ‘a challenge’

China’s draft algorithm regulations: A first for consumer privacy

PCPD releases guidance on EU’s updated SCCs

Hong Kong passes anti-doxxing privacy bill

South Korea to add surveillance cameras in operating rooms

China’s key enforcement agencies and lessons learned from recent actions

Introducing China’s New Privacy Law: PIPL

Analyzing China’s PIPL and how it compares to the EU’s GDPR

China adopts national privacy law

Social media platforms secure Afghan’s privacy

Hong Kong privacy commissioner publishes AI guidance

Taliban reportedly seize US military biometrics devices

Singapore’s PDPA: What to Know For Incident Response

DOD Inspector General publishes advisory on removing data from Afghanistan

Japan publishes data transfer guide

The future of data localization and cross-border transfer in China: a unified framework or a patchwork of requirements?

Privacy Updates in China and India: 2 Giants Legislating Data Protection

PCPD publishes guidance on social media, messaging apps

Japan updates enforcement rules for amended APPI

Breach exposes data of Malaysia Airlines’ frequent flyer members

How to Leverage APEC Accountability Agents for Your Global Privacy & Governance

PDPC commissioner building Singapore’s digital future

Installation of surveillance cameras in Kabul raises privacy concerns

Indonesia publishes draft ‘2020–2024 Strategic Plan’

New rules allow Nepal government offices to install CCTV cameras in public places

Paving the way for meaningful consent under Singapore’s PDPA

Malaysia mulling PDPA amendments

A primer on privacy in Asia-Pacific

COVtech in India: Privacy considerations amid COVID-19

PDPC Model AI Governance Framework, Second Edition

Tech companies take measures to protect Kazakhstan users’ privacy

Kazakhstan begins intercepting domestic HTTPS traffic

APEC announces new US accountability agent for CBPR certifications

The European Union and Japan adopt adequacy decisions

Australia’s anti-encryption collision with GDPR sub-processing

New cybersecurity law takes effect in Vietnam

As Asia-Pacific rises and integrates, so too could the APEC Cross-Border Privacy Rules

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