

Privacy Updates in China and India: 2 Giants Legislating Data Protection

Original Broadcast Date: April 2021

This LinkedIn Live is part of the IAPP Global Privacy Summit Online 2021 web series.

China and India, two of the world’s largest markets that account for roughly 2.7 billion people, are both moving toward comprehensive data protection laws. There are expectations in both jurisdictions to see major developments by the end of this year. The two comprehensive data protection bills that have been introduced have some similarities, and certain influences of the EU General Data Protection Regulation can be recognized in both. But they also differ and add to the complexity of global data protection and privacy law their own nuances and vision. This presentation includes updates about where they are in the legislative process and to understand key provisions of China’s draft Personal Information Protection Law and India’s Data Protection Bill, how they could impact the rights of individuals and the companies doing business in China and India, and how they influence the global privacy debate. Watch the full recording on LinkedIn.

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