This guide, published by Internet Society, details how encryption can effectively serve as a tool for advocacy groups by protecting the integrity of personal information from hacking attempts and other vulnerabilities.
Factsheet: How Encryption Can Protect Advocacy Groups and Social Change Movements
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Internet Society: Encryption unlocks the benefits of a thriving, trustworthy internet
This article, published by the Internet Society, analyzes the use and benefits of encryption technology, and how it fits into and supports the infrastructure of the internet, both present and future....
AEPD: Encryption and Privacy Series
This article series from the Spanish DPA (AEPD) breaks down and provides insight on different topics of encryption and privacy....
FPF: Strong Data Encryption Protects Everyone
The Future of Privacy Forum released “Strong Data Encryption Protects Everyone,” a visual guide to data encryption. The interactive tool outlines how encryption works, where it is used and potential risks. “The infographic illustrates how strong encryption protects individuals, enterprises, and the ...