This web conference was a part of the IAPP Global Privacy Summit Online 2021.
Original broadcast date: April 20, 2021
Is Andrew Yang's data dividend a good idea? What about California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s proposal that consumers should share the wealth? Should we have data unions to negotiate a fair price on our behalf? And what to think of the latest ePrivacy Regulation proposal allowing cookie walls that require consumers to trade their personal data for free access to content? There is a widespread concern that a relatively small number of companies are disproportionately profiting from consumers’ data, and we already see creative new models proposed to ensure consumer compensation. But is the societal impact of granting compensation really positive? Who wins and who loses if personal data becomes a commodity? What about the California Consumer Privacy Act's approach that financial incentives offered to consumers should represent a fair market value? Even the forthcoming ePrivacy Regulation proposes to allow cookie walls for access to free content as long as companies also allow a paid option to access the services without use of personal data. Does this proposal of “user choice” qualify as “free consent” under the GDPR? This expert panel, comprised of thought leaders in the consumer e-privacy space, will discuss the proposals and issues surrounding valuation of personal data. Panelists will draw on deep knowledge of the law and economics of privacy and data policy to disentangle the economic and privacy objectives of data dividend models. They will analyze whether these objectives can be achieved at the same time or should be regulated separately, and furthermore, how these models might evolve to better protect consumer privacy.
Dave Cohen, CIPP/E, CIPP/US, Senior Knowledge Manager, IAPP
Ignacio Cofone, Assistant Professor, McGill University
Christine Lyon, Partner, Morrison & Foerster
Lokke Moerel, Senior Of Counsel, Morrison & Foerster; Professor, Global ICT Law, Tilburg University
Wojciech Wiewiórowski, European Data Protection Supervisor