Published: March 2023
This infographic outlines the requirements of the GDPR-mandated DPO. The European Data Protection Board chose the role of data protection officer for coordinated enforcement action in 2023. Twenty-six data protection authorities are participating.
Does your DPO have what it takes?
- Report to the highest management level.
- Be positioned to perform duties and tasks in an independent manner.
- Be involved in all issues which relate to the protection of personal data.
- Be resourced appropriately to maintain knowledge, access processing operations and conduct tasks.
- Have expert knowledge of data protection law and practices.
- Advise the organization and employees of data protection obligations.
- Monitor compliance and train relevant staff.
- Advise on data protection impact assessments and monitor performance.
- Cooperate and consult with the DPA.
- Serve as contact point for the data subjects and the DPA.
- Give due regard to data processing risks.
Additional Resources
- DPO Toolkit – Are you a data protection officer? Are you trying to staff your DPO position? The DPO Toolkit has a number of instrumental resources in performing this vital role in the privacy field.
- EDPB launches coordinated enforcement on role of DPOs – This article covers the EDPB's coordinated enforcement action focusing on the designation and position of DPOs, and what to expect as the process unfolds.
- Data Protection Officer Requirements by Country – Increasingly, privacy and data protection laws around the world require organizations to designate a DPO to translate legal protections into practical reality. This chart catalogues those requirements but does not include the many additional instances in which a DPO is recommended but not required.
- DPO Handbook: Data Protection Officers Under the GDPR, 2nd Edition – This textbook provides a comprehensive view of all aspects of the role of DPOs under the GDPR, starting with a look at how organizations determine whether they need a DPO, defining the skills required for the role, and discussing how to source this skillset.