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Daily Dashboard | Companies, Chamber: Pass Law To Extend Privacy Protections Related reading: Inside the EU AI Act negotiations: A conversation with Laura Caroli



Tech companies and the U.S. Chamber of Congress are urging legislators “to extend American privacy protections to foreigners in Europe,” The Hill reports. In a letter to Congressional leaders, U.S. tech companies wrote that passing the Judicial Redress Act of 2015 “will help foster a robust relationship between the U.S. and the EU and rebuild trust in U.S.-EU data flows ... Transnational data flows serve as a key component of the digital trade that increasingly drives U.S. economic growth.” Meanwhile, The Washington Post reports on the German Parliament’s inquiry following the Edward Snowden revelations about the relationship between Germany’s intelligence service, known as the BND, and the U.S. National Security Agency, which suggests the BND “cooperated with U.S. efforts to spy” on EU citizens.
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