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Daily Dashboard | Hawaii Legislature Weighs IP Tracking Bill Related reading: The key elements of an effective cookie governance program




CNET News reports on a Hawaiian bill introduced last week that would require any company that "provides access to the Internet" to create "virtual dossiers" of state residents. Introduced by Rep. John Mizuno (D-Oahu), H.B. 2288 would mandate that providers track "Internet destination history information" and "subscriber's information"--including name and address--and retain the data for two years. According to the report, the bill does not include provisions for privacy protections, third-party data use, warrantless access by authorities or security protections like encryption. One software designer said of the bill, "I assume it's to make the data available to be subpoenaed when the state is pursuing people suspected of serious crimes, but I haven't heard anything from the representatives themselves."
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