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The Privacy Advisor | Successful Meetings Taps The IAPP For ‘Good Policy' On Information Practices Related reading: A comprehensive guide to creating a sustainable cookie program



In other IAPP news, Successful Meetings reporter Suzie Amer contacted J. Trevor Hughes, Executive Director of the IAPP, for a story that explored the challenging privacy implications for meeting planners as concerns mount over the protection of personal information.

The nature of the industry "makes it especially attractive for data and identity thieves because meeting planners gather large numbers of people and collect all kinds of potentially sensitive data on them."

Amer contacted a number of experts for advice on how to handle the delicate area of information practices.

To avoid problems from the outset, Hughes suggested that planners establish a clearly defined privacy policy that gives consumers notice and choice.

"Not only should you give them some notice about how the information is going to be used, but you should give them the choice about whether or not they want it used that way," Hughes told Successful Meetings.


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