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Daily Dashboard | The Evolving Future of Digital Businesses Related reading: Australian officials commit to Privacy Act 'overhaul'




Citing recent research by Gartner, reports digital businesses “will need to perform a radical rethink of the way they operate”—highlighting use of data and privacy protections since “many digital businesses will have no fixed business model, Gartner has predicted.” The report looks at Disney’s “MagicBand” program “as an example of a product that operates on an unreliable or flexible and unpredictable basis,” pointing out security is paramount as the MagicBands collect personal data and follow wearers’ movements. “It boils down to a tradeoff—consumers can give up an element of their privacy but in return let Disney use their data to offer a more personalised service,” the report states. Meanwhile, Mondaq reports on breaking the top privacy myths, such as “Privacy is bad for business.”
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