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Daily Dashboard | Report links mall security surveillance to ICE contractor Related reading: A view from DC: FCC geolocation orders show privacy's lost waypoint



report from the Electronic Frontier Foundation found that certain malls across southeastern Los Angeles have been sharing data to a national license-plate reader network that has been linked to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, The Verge reports. An active client of surveillance technology vendor Vigilant Solutions, a string of open-air malls operated by Irvine Company Retail Properties, stated, “Vigilant is required by contract, and have assured us, that ALPR data collected at these locations is only shared with local police departments as part of their efforts to keep the local community safe.” Vigilant’s network has a data-sharing agreement with approximately 3,000 law enforcement agencies across the U.S. and receives an estimated 100 million license plates each month. While Vigilant disputed the report, the company did not elaborate on what it considered specific inaccuracies. 
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