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Daily Dashboard | Obama To Announce NSA Recommendations This Week Related reading: The key elements of an effective cookie governance program



President Barack Obama will announce the results of his review of the National Security Agency (NSA) surveillance programs on Friday, January 17, the Associated Press reports. Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board (PCLOB) Chairman David Medine, who met with the president last Wednesday, said, “We wanted to be able to provide input into the decision-making process.” The PCLOB is expected to release its own findings on January 23. The Hill reports on how Obama’s decisions around NSA reform have put his legacy on the line. Meanwhile, the European Parliament’s decision to have Edward Snowden testify on NSA surveillance programs has divided MEPs due to fears it could damage EU-U.S. relations. Politico reports that, based on last week’s Consumer Electronics Show, fears of NSA spying have not affected consumers’ excitement for emerging technology. However, according to a new survey, a quarter of Canadian and UK businesses are looking away from U.S.-based cloud storage companies due to NSA spying.
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