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Daily Dashboard | 2010_06_17_MEPs May Veto Bank Data Deal Related reading: Australian officials commit to Privacy Act 'overhaul'




Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) who advocated the rejection of the SWIFT deal back in February are threatening to veto the new EU-U.S. bank data transfer agreement negotiated by the European Commission, EUobserver reports. "We regret that the European Commission seems to have already closed the negotiations on a draft agreement that is far from being approvable," said MEP Martin Schulz. The primary focus of concern is with the transfer of bulk data, the report states, as MEPs want information filtered in the EU before it is sent to the U.S. for processing. MEP Jan Philipp-Albrecht said the plan would allow "bulk data about completely unsuspicious persons" to be sent to the U.S., violating the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.
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