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Daily Dashboard | Some security researchers concerned about new iOS 11 controls Related reading: The key elements of an effective cookie governance program


Motherboard reports on the iPhone’s new operating system, iOS 11, and concerns by some security researchers that it complicates turning off Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Turning off Bluetooth and Wi-Fi when no longer in use has been considered good practice to reduce exposure to potential cyberattacks, the report states, but the new operating system makes it so turning off either via the Control Center will not completely turn them off. Complicating this, if a user does turn off Bluetooth or Wi-Fi through the Control Center, both will become active again at 5 a.m. without prompting. The only way to truly turn off either Wi-Fi or Bluetooth will be through the Settings app. Security Researcher Andrea Barisani called the new user interface not obvious and makes the experience more “uncomfortable.”
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