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Daily Dashboard | From Bad to Worse: Heartbleed Bug Affecting Routers Related reading: Australian officials commit to Privacy Act 'overhaul'




“If you thought changing a few passwords would be enough to defeat the Heartbleed vulnerability—think again,” Brian Fung writes for The Washington Post, explaining the bug “appears to affect networking hardware made by one of the world's largest manufacturers, Cisco.” With more than a dozen Cisco products believed to be vulnerable, the company has said it is investigating “as many as 65 other Cisco products,” the report states. And in an investigative report for Wired on the inauspicious beginnings of what would become the Heartbleed bug, Robert McMillan writes, “It points to a much larger problem with the design of the Internet. Some of its most important pieces are controlled by just a handful of people, many of whom aren’t paid well—or aren’t paid at all. And that needs to change.”
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