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Daily Dashboard | Feinstein Calls for Federal Drone Legislation Related reading: Council of the European Union adopts data transfer framework with Japan


For the second straight week, 60 Minutes featured a story related to privacy. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) said the privacy concerns brought on by the emerging technology are “major,” Politico reports. “When is a drone picture a benefit to society?” she asked. “When does it become stalking? When does it invade privacy?” Feinstein said she spotted a drone looking into her window during demonstrations outside her home; demonstrators have said it was a toy helicopter. “It’s going to have to come through regulation,” she said, “perhaps regulation of size and type for private use. Some certification of the person that’s going to operate it … some specific regulation on the kinds of uses it can be put to.” She also questioned appropriate use for law enforcement, asking, “What’s the appropriate governmental use for a drone?”
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