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Daily Dashboard | Deep Linking and What It Means for Privacy Related reading: 'Covered data' under the proposed American Privacy Rights Act




“Deep links are the required infrastructure to build the new mobile discovery platforms that are so desperately needed on mobile,” URX marketing head Mike Fyall tells ReadWrite. But what are “deep links” and what might be the privacy impact? Essentially the same as a URL, deep links allow users to travel between apps, like offering the ability to fire up a song on Spotify while you’re in your workout tracker. URX’s AppViews product, for example, crawls webpages searching for deep links so that it can be incorporated into other apps and offer users “smart” suggestions about what app they might want to use next. To do this, they need to understand how users normally travel between apps. However, says Fyall, “it doesn’t matter who you are, just what you might want to do … So privacy shouldn’t be a problem for AppViews now or in the future.”
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