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Daily Dashboard | AM Hackers Speak Out; Class-Action Seeks $578M Related reading: Australian officials commit to Privacy Act 'overhaul'




The latest Ashley Madison news includes more class-action developments and an interview with the hackers behind the breach. “Will The Impact Team be hacking any other sites in the future? If so, what targets or sort of targets do you have in mind?” Motherboard asks. “Not just sites. Any companies that make 100s of millions profiting off pain of others, secrets, and lies. Maybe corrupt politicians. If we do, it will be a long time, but it will be total,” The Impact Team responds in an email. Meanwhile, a class-action suit filed “on behalf of Canadians who subscribed” to the site seeks $578 million, StarTribune reports, and Ars Technica reports a New York-based firm is seeking Ashley Madison users in the U.S. to join a prospective privacy and consumer fraud suit. Meanwhile, a CSO op-ed highlights different strategies for companies to stay safe from “cyber extortion.”
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