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On Thursday, Italian prosecutors announced they have opened an investigation to determine whether Google's Street View WiFi data collection violated the country's privacy laws, CIO reports. This follows the passage of two resolutions on Google's Street View, by the Garante, Italy's DPA, most recently requiring notice about the itinerary of Street View vehicles, Reuters reports. With action pending or taken in other EU member states, IAPP European Advisory Board member Rocco Panetti told the Data Protection Digest, "Different legislations based on different jurisdictions could produce a set of prescriptions hard to be followed by Google or any other data controller...A sort of coordination procedure amongst DPAs to ascertain the breach of data protection rules in order to adopt at least similar measures in similar cases within EU members, to fulfill relevant obligations, should be considered a priority for the GPEN agenda and for the next revision of the EU directive 95/46/CE." 
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