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The Privacy Advisor | Ponemon Institute/Littler Mendelson Study Related reading: The American Privacy Rights Act's definition of covered data



Workplace Survey on the Privacy Age Gap (April 2007)

76 percent of adults aged 18 — 30 agreed or strongly agreed that a review of online social networking activities by a potential employer would constitute a violation of their personal privacy.

65 percent of adults aged 50 or older agreed or strongly agreed that a review of online social networking activities by a potential employer would constitute a violation of their personal privacy.

Nine percent of adults aged 18 — 30 did not believe that a review of online social networking activities by a potential employer would constitute a violation of their personal privacy.

17 percent of adults aged 50 or older did not believe that a review of online social networking activities by a potential employer would constitute a violation of their personal privacy.

67 percent of adults aged 18 — 30 felt that the protection of their employee information was important or very important.

75 percent of adults aged 50 or older felt that the protection of their employee information was important or very important.

Ponemon Institute HR Special Analysis, May 2007

35 percent of companies surveyed recently performed Google searches on job candidates, while 65 percent of professional services and law firms had performed Google searches on job candidates.

23 percent of companies surveyed scanned social networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook to obtain additional information about a job candidate, while 52 percent of professional services and law firms had scanned social networking sites.


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