Is Canadian Privacy About to Turn Over a New Leaf?

Find out what changes are coming from regulators and policymakers at Canada’s premier privacy event.

There’s no better way to stay on top of the latest news about Canadian laws, regulations, threats and opportunities than to get updates directly from the commissioner himself. In addition, you will gain policy and program insights from leading Canadian privacy pros.

Symposium will be held in an online, à la carte format this year, with live online and on-demand sessions. New and experienced privacy pros from St. John’s to Victoria can easily attend and get the regional insights with a global context that only the IAPP can offer, featuring the high-quality content and expert speakers Symposium is known for.

Sessions range from national policy questions to ground-level operational details. It is a unique combination of practical learning, visionary ideas, unmatched education and networking opportunities. And it is all free to members of the IAPP.


Get Critical Canadian Insights
From Our Keynote Speakers

Ian Kerr Memorial

Ryan Calo
Lane Powell and D. Wayne Gittinger
Professor, School of Law, University of Washington

Hear the co-founder of We Robot, North America’s premier robotics law and policy conference, discuss AI and the future of privacy.

Watch On-Demand

Annual Commissioner’s Address

Daniel Therrien
Privacy Commissioner
of Canada

For the first time in over a year, the commissioner will speak publicly about Canadian policy updates, new guidelines and emerging laws.

Watch On-Demand

Create Your Own Customized Program

Register only for the sessions you like to create your personalized watchlist.

Other Conferences

Training 21-22 September
Workshops 22 September
Conference 23-24 September
Los Angeles

IAPP Privacy. Security. Risk. explores the inextricable connection between privacy and technology. It focuses on practical solutions for the operational challenges of managing privacy programs day in and day out. Come for insightful speakers, informative breakout sessions, and new connections with peers and experts.

Training 18-19 November
Workshops 19 November
Conference 20-21 November

Data protection professionals share insight and working knowledge as expectations for data protection increase with new legislation in multiple jurisdictions and across the globe. Join us in Brussels to learn the latest developments in data protection legislation and operations while expanding your network of connections.

26-27 November

Privacy professionals from Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand assemble for illuminating conversations on issues from the region and beyond. Join us in Melbourne for an agenda packed with insightful sessions and countless opportunities to connect with peers and experts.