This web conference was a part of the IAPP Global Privacy Summit Online 2021.
Original broadcast date: May 24, 2021
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy and Security Rules were written in a period where health information was concentrated in the hands of traditional health care institutions such as doctors, hospitals and health plans. Almost two decades later, this is no longer the case. With revolutionary advances in technology, an increasing number of variety of organizations are generating and collecting sensitive health information largely outside the bounds of HIPAA. This panel discussed whether HIPAA is still up to the task of protecting health information. They investigated the supporting principles for any legislation that might modify how health information is treated and assess specific proposals for updating the current sector-specific framework. They also assessed the capacity of those proposals to better embrace the advantages and threats posed by recent changes to the health privacy landscape.
Dave Cohen, CIPP/E, CIPP/US, Senior Knowledge Manager, IAPP
Timothy Noonan, Deputy Director, Health Information Privacy, Office of Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Joy Pritts, Principal, Pritts Consulting
Brian Scarpelli, Senior Global Policy Counsel, ACT, The App Association
Aliza Silver, Senior Health and Oversight Counsel, Senate HELP Committee