This web conference was a part of the IAPP Canada Privacy Symposium Online 2021.
Original broadcast date: Late June 2021
In 2019-20 the OPC funded three design jams under its Contributions Program. Design jams are collaborative brainstorming events that bring together experts from various backgrounds with the aim of generating solutions in a creative environment. The design jams funded by the OPC all focused on one important theme: how to improve the online consent model, notably in the context of connected devices. This panel brings together the organizers of the three design jams, who present some of the solutions created at their events.
François Cadieux, Manager, Research, Policy, Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada
Holly Etchegary, Assistant Professor, Memorial University
Benn McGregor, Director, CitizenHacks
Jason Woywada, CIPP/C, CIPM, Executive Director, BC Freedom of Information and Privacy Association