Resource Center / Tools and Trackers / EU AI Act: 101
EU AI Act: 101
This chart is part of a series providing an overview of new EU legislation adopted under the European Union's Strategy for Data. The full series can be accessed here.
Published: July 2024
The EU AI Act was published in the Official Journal of the European Union 12 July. The act's implementation will be consequential to the governance of AI in the EU and around the world. The work for AI governance professionals in understanding and putting into practice new obligations is well underway.
This chart shows some of the AI Act's most important features and requirements. The IAPP additionally hosts an EU AI Act topic page, which regularly updates with the latest news and resources.
European Strategy for Data – Overview of New Regulations
This is a multipart series intended to provide privacy professionals with an overview of new EU legislation adopted since May 2022 under the European Union’s Strategy for Data. Each brief will depict a legislation’s objective, material and territorial scope, main requirements, enforcement, and oversight structure.
View here