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Daily Dashboard | US citizen using UK privacy law in attempt to get info from Cambridge Analytica Related reading: The American Privacy Rights Act's definition of covered data


David Carroll, an associate professor at the Parsons School of Design, is hoping to use British data protection laws to discover how he was profiled and targeted by Cambridge Analytica, a company allegedly involved in a data analytics operation during the Trump campaign, the Guardian reports. Though the company has been tied to Trump and pro-Brexit campaigns, little is known about how it uses personal data. Ravi Naik, the lead lawyer in the case, is calling it a “window of opportunity” as he explained how “the data protection framework is set up in such a way that it doesn’t matter where people are: it matters where the data is processed.” Frank Pasquale, a law professor at the University of Maryland, calls the case a “watershed moment,” adding, “ I think we will look back and see it as a really significant case in terms of the future of algorithmic accountability and data protection.”
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