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Daily Dashboard | Opinion: Do Not Allow Citizen Privacy To Be Negotiated Away in TTIP Related reading: Analyzing the legal implications of using SDKs



In a feature for Deutsche Welle, the Center for Digital Democracy’s Jeff Chester cautions that amidst Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations, “U.S. tech companies want the TTIP to sanction a bypassing of the EU's data protection rules,” urging the EU to “reject this self-serving vision of a borderless digital world where legal frameworks protecting civil liberties and the distinctions of country and culture are tossed aside in the name of increased profits for U.S.-based transnational data marketers.” In the wake of the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) allegations, he warns, “The source of information for much of the NSA's spying is the growing digital data depositories operated by the leading U.S. Internet companies.
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