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Daily Dashboard | Authorities Use Border Crossings To Seize Devices Related reading: Analyzing the legal implications of using SDKs


The New York Times reports on newly released documents revealing how U.S. authorities use border crossings to seize travelers’ electronic devices without acquiring warrants to access the data. The “largely secretive process” allows the government to set up a travel alert for an individual—even if the person is not a suspect of an investigation—and then detain, seize or copy files stored on electronic devices. As part of a settlement reached with the Department of Homeland Security, the documents were disclosed to David House, a former fundraiser for the legal defense of Chelsea Manning. “I think it’s important for business travelers and people who consider themselves politically inclined to know what dangers they now face in a country where they have no real guarantee of privacy at the border,” House said. (Registration may be required to access this story.)
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