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Daily Dashboard | Obama May Back FBI Internet Wiretapping Related reading: Canada's OPC releases results of privacy survey



The New York Times reports that the Obama administration “is on the verge of backing” an FBI initiative for “a sweeping overhaul of surveillance laws that would make it easier to wiretap people who communicate using the Internet rather than by traditional phone services.” The original FBI proposal would have required Internet communications services to build in a means to wiretap, but the revised proposal, pending a White House review, would fine businesses that do not comply, the report states. The Center for Democracy & Technology’s Greg Nojeim said, “I think the FBI’s proposal would render Internet communications less secure and more vulnerable to hackers and identity thieves.” FBI General Counsel Andrew Weissmann said, “This doesn’t create any new surveillance authority” and would require a court order. (Registration may be required to access this story.)
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