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Daily Dashboard | Best Practices Act: A Step in the Right Direction Related reading: Australian officials commit to Privacy Act 'overhaul'


New privacy legislation introduced by Rep. Bobby Rush (D-IL) is being called a "step in the right direction" by both online advertising industry experts and privacy advocates, ClickZ reports. Mike Zaneis of the Interactive Advertising Bureau said Rush's Best Practice Act is "much more palatable than the Boucher proposal" unveiled in May, while Jeff Chester of the Center for Digital Democracy suggested it provides more clarity and, overall, should reduce the amount of user data collected and increase consumer control. The House Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection will hold a hearing Thursday on both bills; however, Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-ND) cautions that given the limited time left in the 2010 legislative calendar and how "very complicated" crafting privacy legislation has been, it is unlikely there will be action on the senate side of legislature this year.
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