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By Terry McQuay, CIPP, CIPP/C

Opening the DPI dialogue

The privacy commissioner has registered her stance on the use of deep packet inspection (DPI) technologies. In a submission to the Canadian Radio-television Telecommuni-cations Commission, Jennifer Stoddart noted concerns with certain uses of DPI, and called for privacy within network management efforts. “Decisions and regulation...should consider the potentially invasive nature of DPI technology, and the manner in which it has been implemented by ISPs,” the commissioner wrote. Stoddart also expressed concern that DPI for Internet traffic management has been implemented “in a manner that is less than transparent and potentially inconsistent with an individual‘s/consumer‘s expectations.”

For the full submission visit:

Terry McQuay, CIPP, CIPP/C, is the founder of Nymity, which offers Web-based privacy support to help organizations control their privacy risks. Learn more at


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