A view from DC: FCC geolocation orders show privacy's lost waypoint

(May 3, 2024) As privacy professionals, our foundational principles should always serve as our North Star. Principles like transparency, autonomy and choice guide us in ou... Read More

A view from DC: Reading through the lines of FCC's privacy work

(May 3, 2024) IAPP Managing Director, Washington, D.C., Cobun Zweifel-Keegan, CIPP/US, CIPM, offers his take on the latest privacy and artificial intelligence governance d... Read More

Notes from the IAPP Canada Managing Director, 3 May 2024

(May 3, 2024) The Ontario Divisional Court released an important decision this week in a judicial review case that I thought would be worth highlighting. The party... Read More

OCR director discusses HIPAA rule on reproductive health data

(Apr 29, 2024) In an op-ed for The Hill, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Civil Rights Director Melanie Fontes Rainer touted the recently approved He... Read More

A view from DC: Will Maryland end the era of notice and choice?

(Apr 26, 2024) Since the early days of data privacy, the principle of purpose limitation has been a core component of practice. It is, after all, one of the original fair i... Read More

A view from DC: Maryland's data minimization ups the ante

(Apr 26, 2024) IAPP Managing Director, Washington, D.C., Cobun Zweifel-Keegan, CIPP/US, CIPM, offers his take on the latest privacy and artificial intelligence governance d... Read More

Notes from the IAPP Canada Managing Director, 26 April 2024

(Apr 26, 2024) With the IAPP Canada Privacy Symposium just around the corner, I wanted to give you a few good reasons to attend. Top of the list for me this year is... Read More

Washington Post Editorial Board announces support for APRA

(Apr 24, 2024) In an op-ed, The Washington Post Editorial Board came out in support of the proposed American Privacy Rights Act, noting that it "is a long-awaited paradigm ... Read More

Biden signs bill reauthorizing FISA Section 702

(Apr 22, 2024) U.S. President Joe Biden signed legislation reauthorizing Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act 20 April, The Associated Press reports. Th... Read More

Catching up on IAPP GPS 2024 keynote speeches

(Apr 22, 2024) The IAPP released several full-length keynote presentations from the IAPP Global Privacy Summit 2024. Columbia University Law Professor Anu Bradford discusse... Read More