UK OfCom releases draft Children's Safety Codes of Practice

(May 8, 2024) The U.K. Office of Communications published its draft Children's Safety Codes of Practice. The draft code lists more than 40 safety measures, which include a... Read More

Colorado General Assembly approves children's privacy bill

(May 8, 2024) The Colorado General Assembly approved Senate Bill 41 to add children's privacy amendments to the Colorado Privacy Act. Key provisions include requiring data... Read More

Kenya's ICT secretary says digital sovereignty paramount to Africa's future

(May 8, 2024) Kenya Ministry of Information, Communications and Digital Economy Cabinet Secretary Eliud Owalo spoke about the unique challenges facing Africa in boosting i... Read More

Europol, police chiefs argue for encryption limits

(May 8, 2024) Europol joined with European police chiefs in a statement against end-to-end encryption, saying unilateral allowance could hurt criminal investigations, Eura... Read More

Denmark's DPA responds to children's data processing concerns

(May 2, 2024) Denmark's data protection authority, Datatilsynet, responded to an inquiry from the Children's Rights National Association, Børns Vilkår, that claimed social... Read More

Texas middle school allegedly gave out students' information

(Apr 26, 2024) Arcola, Texas City Councilmember Ebony Sanco raised concerns over school privacy practices after a private investigator claimed he was able to obtain her chi... Read More

AI-generated CSAM may impact incident reporting

(Apr 23, 2024) A report by Stanford University showed an increase in artificial intelligence-generated child sexual abuse material could overwhelm the National Center for M... Read More

Italy, Germany DPAs to meet for two-day summit

(Apr 19, 2024) Italy's data protection authority, the Garante, and Germany's Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information will meet for a two-day sum... Read More

NZ OPC publishes children's privacy survey results

(Apr 18, 2024) New Zealand's Office of the Privacy Commissioner published survey results from the Children and Young People's Privacy project that collected responses about... Read More

US House commences proposed American Privacy Rights Act debate

(Apr 18, 2024) The U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce kickstarted the legislative process for the proposed American Privacy Rights Act at the subcommittee level 17... Read More