Westin Scholar Awards

Resource Center / Westin Scholar Awards


Westin Scholar Awards

This IAPP fund supports students who are identified by their professors as future leaders in the field of privacy or data protection.

Last updated: February 2025

The IAPP has created a fund to support students who are identified by their professors as future leaders in the field of privacy or data protection. Participating professors will each select one student who will be awarded a Westin Scholar Award. More information on the Westin Scholar Awards can be found on the IAPP Higher Education page.

To be considered for inclusion, a school must have 1) established course offerings related to privacy or data protection law, engineering and/or management; and 2) a faculty member who regularly teaches a course in the field of privacy or data protection and is responsible for identifying the top scholar in their course. Recipients of the award in each school will be selected by their professors without involvement of the IAPP.

Please email us at westinscholar@iapp.org to be considered for inclusion.

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