NZ's OPC releases credit reporters' annual compliance reports

(May 7, 2024) The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of New Zealand released compliance reviews for three major credit reporting companies for the 2022-23 period. The agen... Read More

Notes from the Asia-Pacific region, 3 May 2024

(May 2, 2024) Hello from India. I headed back to India after attending the IAPP Global Privacy Summit 2024 in Washington, D.C., and I'm enjoying the lovely spring ... Read More

MEPs propose open banking framework

(Apr 25, 2024) European Parliament's Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs approved a proposal for an open banking system that would "keep (EU citizens') financial dat... Read More

Ransomware group sells medical, financial records from data breach

(Apr 18, 2024) Ransomware group RansomHub claimed it is selling U.S. citizen's medical and financial records following a Read More

CJEU opinion alleges German state DPA did not act on consumer claim

(Apr 11, 2024) A nonbinding opinion from Court of Justice of the European Union Advocate General Priit Pikamäe alleged the German State Data Protection and Freedom of Infor... Read More

Mastercard releases privacy-enhancing technologies guide

(Apr 11, 2024) Mastercard released information on privacy-enhancing technologies and shared the importance of using PETs to mitigate security risks in the financial industr... Read More

IAPP GPS 2024: Chopra discusses CFPB's privacy initiatives

(Apr 10, 2024) U.S. regulators across the federal bureaucracy are taking a more holistic approach to consumer data protection, according to U.S. Consumer Financial Protecti... Read More

From IAPP GPS 2024: CFPB's Chopra discusses US financial privacy landscape

(Apr 10, 2024) According to U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Rohit Chopra, the federal government is taking a more holistic approach to consumer data priv... Read More

CFPB finds financial privacy concerns with online video game purchases

(Apr 8, 2024) The U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau released a report explaining financial privacy concerns with online video game purchases due to the large amoun... Read More

La Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia da pasos firmes hacia las finanzas abiertas 

(Apr 1, 2024) El 7 de febrero de 2024, la Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia (SF, por sus siglas) emitió la Circular Externa 004, marcando un hito como la primera reg... Read More