EU Member State DPIA Whitelists, Blacklists and Guidance

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EU Member State DPIA Whitelists, Blacklists and Guidance

This resource provides a list of EU member states with DPIA whitelists, blacklists and additional guidance resources.

Last updated: December 2019

Data protection authorities of many EU member states have published draft lists of data processing activities that would trigger the need for a data protection impact assessment in that country. This resource provides a list of EU member states with DPIA whitelists, blacklists and additional guidance resources.

As an additional resource, the IAPP published a two-part series on "What's subject to a DPIA under the GDPR?":

NOTE: This resource was last updated 16 December, 2019 and is no longer being updated.

EU Member State DPIA Whitelists, Blacklists and Guidance