A view from DC: FCC geolocation orders show privacy's lost waypoint

(May 3, 2024) As privacy professionals, our foundational principles should always serve as our North Star. Principles like transparency, autonomy and choice guide us in ou... Read More

A view from DC: Reading through the lines of FCC's privacy work

(May 3, 2024) IAPP Managing Director, Washington, D.C., Cobun Zweifel-Keegan, CIPP/US, CIPM, offers his take on the latest privacy and artificial intelligence governance d... Read More

FCC fines wireless carriers $200M over geolocation sharing claims

(Apr 30, 2024) The U.S. Federal Communications Commission announced Read More

ICO fines telecom companies over 'do not call' violations

(Apr 25, 2024) The U.K. Information Commissioner's Office fined Outsource Strategies 240,000 GBP and Dr Telemarketing 100,000 GBP for allegedly violating the "do not call" ... Read More

Notes from the Asia-Pacific region, 19 April 2024

(Apr 18, 2024) Hello, privacy pros. It was great to reconnect with old friends at the IAPP Global Privacy Summit in Washington, D.C., and meet some new faces too. Back from... Read More

FCC proposes additional rules to protect domestic abuse survivors

(Apr 9, 2024) The U.S. Federal Communications Commission proposed additional rules for the Safe Connections Act of 2022 that aims to protect domestic abuse survivors from ... Read More

FCC to embark on broadband privacy rulemaking

(Apr 8, 2024) The U.S. Federal Communications Commission revealed its intention to draft broadband privacy rules. In its declaration to restore net neutrality laws, the ag... Read More

AT&T resets 7.6M customer passcodes after data leak

(Apr 1, 2024) The New York Times reports AT&T reset the passcodes of 7.6 million customers after it found data was "released on the dark web." The company also found t... Read More

Australia regulator fines telecom AUD1.5M

(Mar 6, 2024) The Australian Communications and Media Authority fined telecommunications firm Optus AUD1.5 million for an alleged lack of privacy safeguards, Reuters repor... Read More

IAPP publishes overview of EU Data Act

(Jan 25, 2024) The IAPP Research and Insights Team published the fifth installment of its continuing series, "European Strategy for Data — Overview of New Regulations." The... Read More