The IAPP ANZ Summit 2025 call for speaking proposals is open

The IAPP needs your takes on the top issues in privacy, AI governance and digital responsibility. We want to know how these rapidly changing disciplines are impacting your day-to-day operations in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. Speak up and answer the call for proposals for the 2025 event in Sydney.

ANZ Summit connects professionals from across the region to share solutions, build knowledge and make new contacts. We are looking for experts to speak on new developments, as well as continuing trends such as:

  • AI governance.
  • Biometrics and facial recognition.
  • Privacy and other risks related to the use of generative AI.
  • Children's online privacy, including edutech.
  • Privacy law reforms in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.
  • Indigenous privacy perspectives from Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.
  • Genomic testing in the insurance context.
  • Global regulatory developments, including in relation to the AI Act.
  • Application of Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand privacy laws to data processors.
  • Employee and workplace privacy.

ANZ Summit speakers gain exposure in front of an engaged audience of more than 400 top-tier professionals who are focused on the intersection of privacy, AI governance and digital responsibility. This is a great opportunity to contribute to the international community.

Submit a proposal

Speaking has its benefits

Take this opportunity to give back to the community and share your expertise. Speaking at ANZ Summit 2025 will help you:

  • Distinguish yourself as a thought leader in privacy, AI governance and digital responsibility.
  • Advocate for your session topic in front of your colleagues.
  • Elevate the profession by sharing your knowledge.

The call for proposals closes 13 April.

Submission information


2024 conference recap

ANZ Summit 2024 brought the region’s best together to debate pressing issues

IAPP ANZ Summit 2024 landed in Melbourne for two days of discussion, collaboration and networking. Attendees from across the region met to find solutions for the privacy, AI governance and digital responsibility questions at their institutions.

Experts spoke on the issues impacting Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia, including children's privacy, biometrics and the intersection of artificial intelligence and privacy. Click the button below to access available presentations from ANZ Summit 2024.

See breakout session presentations

Ethics, rights and regulations
This year’s keynotes included authors, lecturers and commissioners. Anna Funder drew parallels between themes from her latest book, “Wifedom: Mrs. Orwell’s Invisible Life,” and current threats to privacy. Julie Inman Grant talked about her experience running the world’s first agency for online safety. Jessica Lake discussed the origin of “the right to privacy” in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Michael Webster provided his thoughts on bodily autonomy and biometrics. Caitlin Fennessy spoke with Carly Kind about the OAIC’s regulatory priorities.

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2024 keynote speakers

Anna Funder

Author, University of Technology Luminary

Anna Funder’s internationally acclaimed, award-winning books “Stasiland” and “All That I Am” illuminate the human condition in times of tyranny and surveillance through stories of courage, resistance, conscience and love. Her latest work, “Wifedom: Mrs. Orwell’s Invisible Life,” hailed as a “masterpiece” and a “spellbinding achievement,” was an instant Sunday Times Bestseller and a New York Times Notable Book of 2023. It was named Biography Book of the Year at the Australian Book Industry Awards. Originally trained as an international human rights lawyer, Anna lives in Sydney.

Julie Inman Grant

Australia’s eSafety Commissioner, Office of the eSafety Commissioner

Julie Inman Grant leads the world’s first government regulatory agency committed to keeping its citizens safer online, safeguarding Australians from online harms and promoting safer, more positive online experiences.

Jessica Lake

Senior Lecturer, Melbourne Law School

In her first book, “The Face that Launched a Thousand Lawsuits: The American Women Who Forged a Right to Privacy,” Jessica Lake makes the case that the “right to privacy” was first made by women in the United States in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries by bringing cases to prevent and prohibit the unsanctioned use of their photographic and cinematic images.

Michael Webster

Privacy Commissioner, Office of the Privacy Commissioner, New Zealand

Commissioner Webster shared his office’s current focus on, and future priorities for, strengthening the rights to privacy and protection of personal information in New Zealand.


Keynote conversation

Caitlin Fennessy

Vice President and Chief Knowledge Officer, IAPP

Carly Kind

Australian Privacy Commissioner, Office of the Australian Information Commissioner

In a conversation with the IAPP’s Caitlin Fennessy, Commissioner Kind discussed her first year as privacy commissioner as well as her regulatory priorities, recent enforcement action and preparation for privacy law reform.

ANZ Summit 2024 on social media – #ANZsummit2024

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Other Conferences

Training 21-22 April
Workshops 22 April
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Washington, D.C.

Summit is the privacy profession’s largest event. The agenda features keynote speakers and breakout sessions focused on the latest developments in privacy law, policy, governance and management. Use them to expand your knowledge while you also expand your circle of connections through a full schedule of networking events and meet-ups.

Workshops 11 and 14 May
Conference 12-13 May
Training 14-15 May

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