Benjamin Moore


Responsible Technology Adoption Unit (DSIT)

Senior Policy Advisor (Responsible Data Access Lead)

Ben is a Senior Policy Advisor at the Responsible Technology Adoption Unit (RTA), an expert directorate in the UK Government's Department for Science Innovation & Technology (DSIT).

At RTA, Ben works on issues of data access, with a focus on innovative approaches to overcoming data access barriers including a range of work on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs).

The RTA has published an interactive PETs adoption guide and a repository of real-world use-cases, and co-led the UK-US PETs Prize Challenges, a world-leading initiative to incentivise novel innovation in PETs. The RTA is currently developing a PETs cost/benefits analysis tool in collaboration with the UK Information Commissioner's Office, and exploring piloting PETs within public sector organisations.

Ben has a wide range of experience working at the intersection of ethics and policy on AI and other data driven technologies.


Contributions by Benjamin Moore