Marie-Charlotte Roques-Bonnet


Data Protection Legal Advisor

I am French and do live close to Paris. Since being a mother, I am driven by diversity & inclusion (I was member of the IAPP Women Leading Privacy Board several years) and I appreciate how lucky I am to be both living in a “start-up nation” (France) and working for a better digital world. During almost 20 years, I have been striving to study, teach (which I still do!), implement and keep knowing more about data protection and digital fundamental rights in practice. In a nutshell, my interest into Digital Regulation does not start with the jobs I had to help regulate Big Tech practices, nor with the GDPR itself. It dates back (I’m afraid!) to the time I completed my Ph.D. in Public Communication Law on "The Constitution and the Internet" -and I redrafted such work so that it would become a French mainstream book on the topic (« Can the Law ignore digital revolution? »). Three years ago, the start-up I created (called ID side was just part of another journey for me to help better regulating digital habits in few clicks. More than a job, “Privacy & Digital” is somehow part of my life and something I strive to deliver on, at the same time as other exciting professional and social projects (I have the pleasure to be currently active member of both the ENISA Data Protection Engineering Ad Hoc Working Group and IAPP Data Protection Engineering Board), and having fun with family & friends in post-Covid-19 era… Quite a challenge! After working as a Legal expert within CNIL for five years, Amazon (as Head of EMEA Privacy & Security Policy for 2 years) and for Microsoft (as Director of EMEA Privacy Policy for 5) and being an ad hoc consultant for forward-looking projects (Meta, Neom), I am definitely thrilled to be joining back the discussion in the group from a Connected Region DPA’s perspective on what the future of data protection engineering should be!


Contributions by Marie-Charlotte Roques-Bonnet