Renata Denisse Bueron Valenzuela

She has more than fifteen years of professional experience focusing on privacy and data protection, litigation and contracts in labor matters, constitutional law and international political analysis. She is skilled in planning and designing strategies for implementing the data protection regulatory framework in a number of different sectors. She also has experience developing activities such as data mapping, data protection processes, privacy policies, privacy notices and other privacy provisions, security measures, and national and international data transfers. She has coordinated the activities of transparency and personal data committees. She has also coordinated strategic analyses of the international legislative agenda for data protection, monitoring the main international organizations and agencies.
Contributions by Renata Denisse Bueron Valenzuela
Bases jurídicas para el tratamiento de datos personales de colaboradores en México
The Privacy Advisor -
La Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación se pronuncia sobre el llamado "derecho al olvido"
The Privacy Advisor -
La Suprema Corte de Justicia de México invalida el Padrón Nacional de Usuarios de Telefonía Móvil (Panaut)
The Privacy Advisor -
En búsqueda del tiempo perdido
The Privacy Advisor -
A la busca del tiempo perdido: retos hacia la protección de datos
The Privacy Advisor