Peter Eberl


European Commission

Deputy Head of Unit, Cybersecurity and Digital Privacy Policy, DG CONNECT

Peter Eberl is Deputy Head of Unit for Cybersecurity and Digital Privacy Policy in the 

European Commission' DG CONNECT. His unit is, inter alia, in charge of the legislative 

negotiations on the ePrivacy Regulation and the Cybersecurity Act, and the implementation of 

the ePrivacy Directive and the Network and Information Systems Directive (NIS). Prior to his 

current assignment, Peter was Deputy Head of Unit for Electronic Communications Policy. In 

that position he played a pivotal role in the legislation on the European Electronic 

Communications Code (EECC) and on the net neutrality provisions in the Telecoms Single 

Market (TSM) Regulation, as well as in the elaboration of the BEREC net neutrality 

guidelines. Before moving to digital policy, Peter worked in DG Competition as a case 

handler and case manager on mergers and antitrust issues in various sectors, in particular 

media, telecoms, energy, transport and services.