Vincent Wellens

Vincent Wellens is a partner with NautaDutilh and head of the Luxembourg Intellectual Property, Information & Communication Technology and
Competition practice groups. His core practice areas are:
IT and outsourcing projects and contracts (including related litigation and preparation for litigation), with a particular focus on the financial and public sectorsData protection with a focus on contracts and representation in judicial and administrative proceedings (including on-site investigations and data breach notifications)IP litigation with a focus on patent litigation in the pharma sector and trademark and design litigation for luxury, consumer goods and media brandsTelecom and media regulatory advice (including broadcasting licensing issues)Competition law with a focus on hard-core cartels, abuse of dominance in the telecom and postal sectors, vertical restraints in the retail sector and state aid.
Contributions by Vincent Wellens
Data Protection vs. Financial Sector Regulations - Interactions, Convergence and Differences
Speaker at Virtual Luxembourg KnowledgeNet: 28 January 2021