Travis Breaux, CIPT

Travis D. Breaux is an Associate Professor of Computer Science, appointed in August of 2010 to the Institute for Software Research in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). Dr. Breaux's research program investigates new methods and tools for developing correct software specifications and ensuring that software systems conform to those specifications in a transparent, reliable and trustworthy manner. This includes demonstrating compliance with U.S. and international privacy and security laws, policies and standards. His research is published in ACM and IEEE-sponsored conferences and journals, including work on extracting software requirements from policy and law, on tracing data flow through policy and software, and on consent and policy evolution under GDRP. Dr. Breaux developed CMU’s first academic course on privacy engineering, and he served as editor of the IAPP’s textbook, entitled Introduction to IT Privacy: A Handbook for Technologists. His early 2006 paper on extracting privacy requirements from the HIPAA Privacy Rule received honorable mention for the 2016 Most Influential Paper award at the IEEE Requirements Engineering Conference. Dr. Breaux is a Senior member of the ACM SIGSOFT and IEEE Computer Society, he served as Chair of the USACM Privacy and Security Committee and on the USACM Executive Council, and he is a regular member of the IFIP Working Group 2.9 on Requirements Engineering.
He received the Ph.D. in Computer Science from North Carolina State University in May of 2009. Dr. Breaux also holds the B.S. in Computer and Information Science from the University of Oregon and the B.A. in Anthropology from the University of Houston.
Contributions by Travis Breaux
Data De-identification as a Practical Risk Control
Speaker at IAPP Global Privacy Summit 2022