
King and Spalding LLP

Privacy and Cyber Risk Analyst

Chris Stevens has spent over thirty-five years as a data protection professional, a homeland security intelligence professional, an information privacy professional, a strategic intelligence manager, and as a Senior National Intelligence Service Senior Executive. Chris possesses all seven of the International Association of Privacy Professionals’ (IAPP) certifications. He is an IAPP Fellow of Information Privacy. Chris is a member of the IAPP Privacy Faculty, and he served for two years as an IAPP Baltimore, MD Knowledge Net Chapter Co-Chairperson. He is an American Health Information Management Association “Certified in Healthcare Privacy and Security” professional. He is a Healthcare Compliance Association “Certified Healthcare Privacy Compliance” professional.

Chris is an ISACA “Certified Information Security Manager,” “Certified in Risk and Information Security Controls,” and a “Certified Data Privacy Solutions Engineer” professional. Chris has completed the Loyola University-Chicago School of Law’s “Graduate Certificate in Privacy Law.” Chris possesses several baccalaureate and graduate degrees in several disciplines. He is currently completing the Capella University Doctor of Information Technology with a concentration in Cybersecurity and Information Assurance.

He has completed several OneTrust expert and professional courses. He has assisted several private sector and public sector organizations in better managing their privacy and risk management programs. He has developed information privacy courses and learning paths for Cybrary and the Infosec Institute, respectively. He currently teaches IAPP privacy certification examination courses. He also teaches for Drexel University’s College of Computing and Informatics as a part-time adjunct professor. He currently supports King and Spalding as its Cyber and Privacy Risk Analyst. He lives in Laurel, MD with his fiancé, her 10-year-old son, and his two rambunctious Scottish terriers Thor and Maggie.