Gordan Brdar Rimac Technology d.o.o.Brezje, Ljubljanska ulica 7, Sveta Nejdjelja, Croatia, CIPM

Gordan Brdar is a consultant expert working at Atos CVC Croatia. He have been acted like CISO and DPO for years. Gordan is a Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM) and Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) as well Cobit and ISO 270xx expert. Gordan is very knowledgeable about the local laws.
Prior to joining Atos CVC Croatia Gordan forked in the Banking industry, in the IT industry at Siemens and in the retail software development industry.
He is a two-time graduate of the University of Zagreb.
Contributions by Gordan Brdar Rimac Technology d.o.o.Brezje, Ljubljanska ulica 7, Sveta Nejdjelja, Croatia
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