Caroline Wren
Caroline has been in market research for 20 years and in 2010 she founded the quantitative research practice at MTM; by 2015 the company had won the UK’s Best Agency award from the Market Research Society (MRS), an accolade repeated in 2018. MTM is a research and strategy consultancy that specialises in the media and technology sectors, helping clients such as Google, Sky, Netflix and the BBC to stay ahead in a fast-changing landscape. She is a Certified Member of the MRS and has also won their Advertising & Media Research Award twice, for her pioneering ad effectiveness research. She has been responsible for a range of data collection techniques that require particular care to be taken over protecting research participants’ rights with respect to their personal data. Caroline’s degree was in Psychology, from the University of Leeds; she remains a Member of the British Psychology Society. Outside of work she can be found playing with her two year old son, or supporting the local Green Party, in which she has been instrumental in creating a successful Progressive Alliance with the local Liberal Democrats.