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Asia-Pacific Dashboard Digest | Notes from the iappANZ President, September 5, 2014 Related reading: Australian officials commit to Privacy Act 'overhaul'




“In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility.” — Eleanor Roosevelt

Life is all about editing; so much to do, see and read. So is big data, and there’s a splendid offering below this week from iappANZ Board Member Peter Leonard from The Privacy Advisor. And another big data piece considers how it helps seniors to improve their quality of living.

If you are into the integrated self and the wearing of all sorts of monitors, you will find this article interesting. Privacy is, of course, a contextual concept, so those of you who take pride in sporting prowess may be interested in how your view of privacy and sharing of your results changes when your performance drops. If you are really embarrassed about that kind of information becoming public and want to take action, you will be interested in the next news of the week.

The long-awaited ALRC report was tabled in parliament this week, and again our Peter Leonard kept us up-to-date with its passage down the hallowed hallways, but what next? It seems that with our attorney general’s spokesman saying, “The government has made it clear on numerous occasions that it does not support a tort of privacy,” chances of us lining up with Canada, the UK and NZ, all of whom have a statutory right to sue for serious invasions of privacy, are very slim.

One of our many Privacy @Play Summit panelists in the “What’s Hot in Privacy“ stream, Jon Lawrence from the EFA, is quoted this week,  and the new ACT privacy laws and the OAIC’s role in that regime make the news this week.

The concern over the proposed opt-out to the national health record system, the PCeHR, continues to grow with fears of it being the “Australia Card“ by stealth. There are some frank notes from the Privacy Foundation about the public consultation, which has just finished .

If you have had enough this week, and feel the need to shape your life and find a new career, there is an interesting article on landing a CPO role. But for those of you who listen to Radio National whilst driving home, you may have heard about “Astrid" interviewed by Waleed Aly last night—with one of the most extraordinary jobs, the “European Luxury Goods Correspondent.” Can you imagine the challenges!

Enjoy the spring and the AFL excitement—and if that doesn’t interest you “Download This Show” with Marc Fennell always provides you with all the latest in IT gadgets and their privacy implications just before the kickoff at MCG.


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