When we started up our Live from the IAPP series of features on the many goings-on here at your membership association, one of our first topics was “What Can You Expect To Get from a KnowledgeNet?” With the call for new KnoweldgeNet chairs now open, and many new cities added to the roster of where you can find a KnowledgeNet, the time was right to take another look at KnowledgeNets and hear from some of our member volunteers who work to make these IAPP gatherings such a success.

Recently, Takashi Nakazaki and Terry Matsufuji, hosts of one of the IAPP’s newer KnowledgeNet chapters in Tokyo, Japan, shared thoughts on the program.

Matsufuji is a privacy consultant with experience at Fortune 500 companies and healthcare start-ups and specializes in technology companies, focusing on data security and privacy.

Nakazaki is an attorney specializing in the area of privacy law who is recognized as an authority in this subject and hosts privacy seminars in Tokyo. Nakazaki was a member of the Working Group on the Creation of a Safe and Secured Environment for Use of Smartphones in the Smartphone Era for the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.

“We're excited about starting chapters in Japan, beginning with the Tokyo chapter,” Matsufuji explained. I attended IAPP events in the San Francisco Bay Area, before moving back to Japan. I saw the value of the resources and of associating with like-minded professionals.”

Discussing some of the challenges the pair faced in creating programs, “There is little to no Japanese language information online. We've adapted to this by including more information during our presentation. Other challenges include the certification testing and localization,” Matsufuji explained, adding, “Takashi and I are looking forward to working through these obstacles and creating an IAPP presence in Tokyo.”

And Tokyo isn’t the only new chapter. Baltimore, MD, and Buenos Aires, Argentina, are two very active new chapters—with each holding multiple meetings already this year.

IAPP Member Engagement Manager Katherine Gilchrest, CIPP/US, and Member Engagement Coordinator Leah Harrington shared some of the latest details about this year’s KnowledgeNets.

There have been more than 150 meetings been held to date, they explained, which equals the total number held in 2014.

“We had surprising turnout at the Singapore meeting last week, with 30 attendees,” Harrington added.

And just in the weeks ahead, meetings are on the schedule for Brussels, Dallas, London, Los Angeles, New York, Paris, Pittsburgh, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, St. Louis and Vancouver—just to name a few.

Interested in helping out? The IAPP is looking for volunteers to serve as KnowledgeNet chapter chairs in locations across the globe, and the deadline is coming right up on October 30. Click here to submit an application.