Privacy is big.
IAPP Communities help you zero in.

IAPP Communities offer several meaningful and interesting ways for you to connect with colleagues and peers. Whether you’re looking to meet locally with other privacy pros, dive deep into a specialized topic or simply share a common interest, IAPP Communities were created with you in mind.

Check out these popular IAPP Communities today!


KnowledgeNet Chapters

Networks of Local Privacy Pros

Volunteer-led and IAPP staff-supported education and networking activities where you can meet other privacy pros in your local area. Look for a KnowledgeNet Chapter near you.


Formalized Communities of Common Interest

Officially recognized IAPP communities delivering the resources privacy pros need to discuss issues, share ideas and engage with each other.

Check out our current IAPP Sections.

Affinity Groups

Gatherings of Privacy Pros with Shared Experiences

Member-organized get-togethers where privacy pros enjoy sharing their unique thoughts, ideas and perspectives concerning privacy and life.

Check out our popular IAPP Affinity Groups